Realmac’s Clear task manager now free for 24-hours.


Realmac announced earlier this month that it was removing Clear+ from the iOS App Store and keeping the original Clear app as the only version of its popular task manager. To compensate customers who bought Clear+, Realmac decided to make its Clear app free for two 24-hour periods, allowing existing users to upgrade for free. The first of these two “free” windows opened today.

Clear+ was built for iOS 7 and was offered as a universal app for Clear customers who wanted an iPad version of the app. Realmac discontinued its original Clear for the iPhone, with the expectation that customers would pay for the upgrade and switch to Clear+. Instead, the company was deluged with angry customers who were upset at the removal of Clear from the App Store.

In response, Realmac reversed its decision to discard Clear for the iPhone and put the app back into the App Store. After updating and maintaining two versions of Clear, RealMac changed its mind again and settled on one version — Clear for the iPhone. Clear was updated in early February with support for the iPad and will be the only version maintained by Realmac going forward.

Clear+ owners should switch to Clear and take advantage of the free offer that is in effect today.