Wallgram Turns Instagram Photos Into iPhone Wallpapers.


If you’re anything like me, you’ll change your iPhone’s wallpaper on a regular basis to keep things fresh, but finding a good one isn’t always easy. At least that was the case — until Wallgram came along. Wallgram isn’t just another photo bank full of images; it uses Instagram photos uploaded by your friends to create beautiful parallax wallpapers.

The great thing about Wallgram is that its catalog of images is as good as infinite. Not only can you use photos uploaded by you or your friends, but you can also use the “explore” tab to search for people and hashtags.

So if you want a photo of Times Square in New York City, or even a cat painted in latte foam, you can find one — and it won’t be the same photo you might’ve found on Google Images. And with over 50 million photos uploaded to Instagram every day, you’ll never be stuck for a new wallpaper.

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Of course, Instagram photos aren’t big enough to use an iPhone wallpapers without a bit of tweaking, so Wallgram has a nifty way of making them look good on a high-resolution Retina display. Not all images look great, but it’s certainly not difficult to find one that does.

Wallgram is available to download from the App Store now, priced at $1.99. You’ll need an Instagram account to use it.