Apple releases iOS 6.1.5 for iPod touch 4, also fixes FaceTime call bug.

Apple releases iOS 6.1.5 for iPod touch 4, also fixes FaceTime call bug

While pretty much every other iOS device released since 2010 is getting iOS 7.0.4, the not-qualified iPod touch 4 is getting the same FaceTime call bug fix but in retro iOS 6.1.5 form (2010 original iPad had not camera, so no FaceTime).

And no, even if iOS 7 still hasn’t won you over, you can’t jam this update onto your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch 5. Sorry.

You can grab it by going to General > Settings > Software Update on your 4th generation iPod touch, or by hooking up to iTunes over USB and hitting check for updates in iTunes.

Source: iMore.

An Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone 5 And iPad Mini Is Coming With iOS 6.1

A new jailbreak is waiting in the wings.

A new jailbreak is waiting in the wings.

An iOS 6 jailbreak has been in the works since Apple released the iPhone 5 last fall, and it’s taken a long time for hackers to crack the enhanced security measures in Apple’s latest mobile operating system. After many months, the pieces have finally been put together. There is a full jailbreak for Apple’s latest iOS devices, and iOS 6.1 is the key to unlocking it.

While the jailbreak could be released for everyone now, trusted hackers behind past jailbreaks are waiting to see if Apple squashes any of their exploits in the final version of 6.1. If the bugs that form the jailbreak are still working, the iOS 6 jailbreak will be unleashed on the world after 6.1’s release.

“There will certainly be no jailbreak release from us until 6.1 is out.”

iOS 6.1 has been in the developer beta stages for months. The most recent fourth beta is set to expire on Monday, January 28th. When it does, Apple will either release yet another beta, or the final Gold Master (GM) version. All bets are on the GM.

The final GM version of an iOS release is the same version that is released for everyone. Apple gives developers a last-minute look to make sure their apps work with the final version.

It wouldn’t make sense to release the jailbreak now and waste valuable exploits, because Apple could have time to quickly patch the jailbreak in 6.1 before it ships. So hackers Cyril (pod2g), David Wang (planetbeing), Nikias Bassen (pimskeks), and MuscleNerd are waiting to test their jailbreak on 6.1 first. If it works, then the jailbreak is good to go for public release.

“There will certainly be no jailbreak release from us until 6.1 is out,” assured David Wang. A couple months ago Wang tweeted a picture of his jailbroken iPhone 5.

“A few times in the past they added heavy security features in the GM,” noted hacker extraordinaire Cyril, who recently released a DJ app in the App Store. At this point, nobody knows if Apple will beef up security or leave things the way they are. But the jailbreak will likely still work. “We already focused on 6.1 beta 4 and we expect it to work with 6.1 GM,” confirmed Nikias Bassen to Cult of Mac. There is a slim chance that Apple will make some security changes in 6.1. If that happens, it’s back to the drawing board.

All iOS devices that can run iOS 6.1, including the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S, will be supported in this upcoming jailbreak. The four men behind it have founded a new hacking group called “evad3rs” (presumably since they’re masters at evading Apple’s security measures), and they will release the iOS 6 jailbreak under that name.

When iOS 6.1 drops, a new jailbreak will be right behind it.

Do Not Disturb iOS 6 bug allowing people extra time to sleep off hangovers?

Do Not Disturb is one of the least talked about features launched in iOS 6, but is one my personal favorites. The ability to schedule a time each day for my iPhone to silence all incoming messages and calls is fantastic. Especially at night.

Unfortunately, the schedule function appears to be faulty this morning. Users are reporting that the feature is switched on, even after the pre-planned time has passed. As you can imagine, iDevice owners are waking up having missed important calls and messages. The issue isn’t affecting everyone.

Source: TodaysiPhone.

How To Enable Emoji Keyboard On iPhone iOS6.


Once you’ve set up your new iPhone 5 and downloaded a few epic games to dominate — the next step is to enable your Emoji Keyboard so you can start texting and emailing with real symbolic emotions.

The Emoji or Emoticons icons are really simple to activate if you know exactly where to look in order to turn them on.

Open your Settings app > scroll down and select International > select Keyboards >thenAdd A New Keyboard > scroll down and select Emoji.

Close Settings and then access the new Emoji by selecting The Globe on the right of your numbers key [123] using an iMessage text or email. You’ll discover multiple rows of Emoji to choose from.

TIPhone_5_Emojihe small microphone next to the globe allows you to talk out your texts — just tap done when your message is complete then add emoji to your text message.

Even though some consider Emoticons to be an annyoying habit — I think they are an iPhone essential.

Source: iPhone Savior: .

Apple releases iOS 6.0.2 software update, bug fixes.

Apple has just pushed out iOS 6.0.2 for iPhone 5 and iPad mini, a minor bug-fix update to last fall’s iOS 6 release. According to Apple it:

Fixes a bug that could impact Wi-Fi.

Sadly, we keep getting errors when trying to connect to Apple’s over-the-air (OTA) software update service, so I can’t see exactly what, if anything, is in yet it beyond that.

Go to Settings > General > Software Update on your iPhone 5 or iPad mini, and try your luck, and let us know what you get. You can also try tethering via USB to iTunes, though that’s showing me iOS 6.0.1 still…

Hopefully everything will clear up over the next few minutes/hours.

Source:  iMore.

Siri Loves Google Maps Too Even Without A Jailbreak.

By default, Siri uses Apple’s Maps app when you ask her for directions. She can also use Google Maps, according to JBN.

To ask Siri for Google Maps directions, add the words “via transit” to your search. By doing so, the voice assistant will continue to open Apple Maps. However, she will also provide a link for Google Maps.

Click “Route” and your journey with Google Maps can begin.

Source: AppAdvice.

Apple brings gifting back to the App Store.

Apple has brought back the option for an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch user to buy an application in the App Store app and give it away as a gift. The option to “gift app” was built into the iOS App Store App in iOS 5, but disappeared when iOS 6 was released a few months ago.

One nice little feature included in the iOS 6 App Store is that any apps you “gift” to other users can now be scheduled for delivery at a later date (up to 90 days). If you have an iOS application you would like to give during the holidays, you are now going to be able to schedule it so the recipient can get it right on Christmas day.

Source: AppleTell.

iOS 6 adoption barely increased after Google Maps release.Maps not really an issue then?

It was suspected by many that Apple’s Maps was bed enough to deter people from upgrading from iOS 5 to iOS 6. The thought of losing Google Maps for Apple’s faulty program was too much to bear for many. At least, that’s we thought. It turns out we were wrong.

Chitika has released some figures that show the increase in iOS 6 adoption was nothing worth noting. The company’s network includes ads on hundreds of thousands of web sites, which saw a change from 72.77% iOS 6 to 72.94%. Seemingly either Maps isn’t really that bad, or there were enough other improvements in iOS 6 to warrant making the compromise and updating.

Source: TodaysiPhone.

Apple Hacks Second Manager In iPhone Maps Fail.


Apple has reportedly fired iOS 6 Maps team manager Richard Williamson, according to a detailed Bloomberg report.

The latest cut delivered by Senior Vice President Eddy Cue, arrived just four weeks after Scott Forstall, Apple’s Senior Vice President of iOS software was asked to leave the company.

“In removing Williamson, Cue wants to install a new leadership team for the group, one person said. A replacement for Williamson wasn’t immediately known.” Bloombergreported.

The launch of iPhone 5 was marred by Apple’s flawed native Maps app which quickly became ridiculed by the media for an unusual amount of inaccurate data — making the sudden decision to replace Google Maps, which launched with iPhone in 2007, appear to be a disastrous misstep for Apple.

Just eight days later on September 28, CEO Tim Cook officially apologized for the Maps debacle in a letter promising customers “we are doing everything we can to make Maps better.” Part of his strategy in making Maps better was a proper changing of the old guard at Apple.

Once Tim Cook apologized to iPhone faithful for the crappy Maps app, you could be certain that heads were going to roll. It took about a month before Forstall, a 15 year Apple veteran was bounced from the mothership and another 30 days for Williamson to be put on the chopping block.

To date, the Maps gaffe has not seemed to put a dent in record iPhone 5 sales which captured a 48.1% share of US smartphone sales over the past 12 weeks, according to recent data from Kantar World Panel.

jLauncher Jailbreak Tweak Provides Impressive Full-Screen Multitasking.

New jLauncher Jailbreak Tweak Provides Impressive Full-Screen Multitasking

A new jailbreak tweak called “jLauncher” can provide jailbreakers with full-screen multitasking and impressive controls.

Just download and install the jailbreak tweak, and users will be able to assign an Activator action to jLauncher. This can be a conventional double-press of the Home button, or a triple press, or anything you like. Performing this Activator action will launch jLauncher.

Once launched, jLauncher takes up all of the iPhone’s screen. As you can see in the above image, your “open” apps will display along the right hand side of the handset’s screen. In the middle of the screen are a set of Music app controls, including a space for cover art. You can also adjust the iPhone’s brightness from jLauncher, which is very convenient.

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to enable “wiggly mode” from jLauncher. This is a minor annoyance, but not something that’s going to greatly alter your relationship with the jailbreak tweak.

Currently, jLauncher is available to download in the Cydia Store for $1.99, via the BigBoss repository. Take a look at our video walkthrough below for more information on the jailbreak tweak. Enjoy!

Source: AppAdvice.