File Cabinet Pro Offers Powerful File Management Features Directly from the OS X Menu Bar

Users needing easy to use, yet powerful file and cloud management features might want to take a look at Writes for All Inc.’s File Cabinet Pro, its powerful file manager for the OS X menubar. The app allows users to open, move, rename, tag, trash, copy and paste files, all from a popover window that appears from the menubar. File Cabinet Pro also allows users to copy files to their iCloud Drive without needing to open a window in Finder.

File Cabinet Pro Offers Powerful File Management Features Directly from the OS X Menu Bar

In addition to file management capabilities, the app also offers a built-in text editor, image viewer, PDF viewer, and media player. Document types supported include: txt, rtf, rtfd, png, bmp, mov, mp4 and many more.


  • Create subdirectories in File Cabinet Pro
  • Click into subdirectories and open documents
  • Store files locally and in iCloud
  • Drag and drop files to and from iCloud
  • Tag files – Select files in File Cabinet Pro, right click, and then simply add or remove file tags from the control in the context menu
  • Show in Finder
  • Rename files
  • Copy and paste files
  • Trash files
  • View items as icons or in columns
  • Launch the application at login – You can have File Cabinet Pro automatically launch when you login to your Mac (optional feature, disabled by default)
  • Built in lightweight text editor – Create and edit .txt, .rtf, and .rtfd files
  • Built in lightweight image viewer/editor. Rotate images, crop images, and apply filters to images
  • Built in media player – Watch video and play audio files
  • PDF viewer
  • Editable files support document versions

File Cabinet Pro for Mac OS X is $29.99, and is available from the App Tyrant website. [GET IT HERE]