Barbra Streisand calls Tim Cook to fix her biggest gripe with Siri

Barbra Streisand

Getting iPhone bugs fixed is apparently super-easy if you’re a world-famous diva.

Barbra Streisand says she recently had a huge bone to pick with Apple over the way Siri pronounces her last name. So the singer did what only Barbra Streisand could do: She dialed Tim Cook’s personal phone number.

“She pronounces my name wrong. ‘Streisand’ with a soft ‘s’ like sand on the beach — I’ve been saying this for my whole career,” Streisand told NPR in a new interview.

“And so what did I do? I called the head of Apple, Tim Cook, and he delightfully agreed to have Siri change the pronunciation of my name finally, with the next update on September 30th. So let’s see if that happens, because I will be thrilled.”

Of course, Streisand could have just taught Siri how to pronounce her tricky last name on her own, but that’s not how divas roll.