New rumor exposes Apple’s dual-lens camera plans.

Why make do with one lens when you could have two?

Apple has been secretly experimenting with dual-camera iPhone lenses for three years, according to Altek’s Xiaru Wen, the CEO of the company responsible for building similar camera modules for HTC and Huawei.

The report claims that Apple has been held up by two challenges until now: technical problems resulting in blurred images, and an inability to find a manufacturer able to build enough of the components in the allotted time.

But things may be about to change.

Apple has reportedly solved the blurred image problem by using software developed by the Israeli company LinX Imaging, which Apple acquired back in April for a reported $20 million. Last June, LinX unveiled its first multi-aperture cameras designed for mobile devices.

The report also suggests that Apple has found a manufacturer capable of fulfilling all of its dual-camera orders. The company is reportedly Largan, which is said to have secured 80 percent of all iPhone 6s and 6s Plus camera lens orders. At a recent press conference, Largan CEO Linen Ping claimed his company is working on doubling its production capacity, which Taiwan’s Business Weekly thinks is related to Apple’s interest in dual-camera lenses.

While it’s unlikely that we’ll get dual lenses for this September’s iPhone 6s, today’s report does suggest Apple may make the leap as early as next year’s iPhone 7.

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