Pebble-Shaped Bluetooth Thermometer Is Happy To Live Outside.


No, don’t worry: it’s not another terrible mouse design from Apple. This is the Tempo from UK-based Blue Maestro, and it’s a smart Bluetooth thermometer disguised as a pebble.

It’s actually a pretty cool-sounding device. It is weatherproof and durable (even the screws for the battery cover – 2xAA – are made from brass), and disguised so that you can leave it outside without tempting some drunken teenagers to steal it from your garden. It uses low-power Bluetooth to communicate with the free Tempo app, so you can just leave it outside until you need to check the temperature.

Right now I achieve the same thing by opening up my bedroom door and stepping out onto the balcony, checking to see whether I’ll need three wooly layers or four before venturing out into the East German winter. With Tempo I could do the same thing form bed.

The pebble will also keep a record of the temperature for the past 24 hours, so you can pick up the history whenever you check in. And of course you can also use it indoors, or use a clutch of the things to monitor different spaces.

The cost is just £29, or $48, and it comes in a range of natural colors.

The iOS 7 Jailbreak Is Finally Worth Installing On Newer iPhones And iPads.


The iOS 7 jailbreak was released last Sunday, but it was a messy release that had a lot of bugs and compatibility issues.Today the last major issue with the jailbreak was fixed for newer iOS devices with the A7 chip.

Jay ‘saurik’ Freeman, the creator of Cydia, has updated Mobile Substrate for iOS 7 and the new 64-bit architecture found in the iPhone 5s, iPad Air, and second-gen iPad mini.

For the less jailbreak savvy, Mobile Substrate is essentially the backbone that allows most Cydia tweaks to work. Without it, tweaks that want to modify iOS on a core level simply can’t function. While jailbreak apps like iFile will work, more low-level extensions like biteSMS will not.

There are two main reasons Mobile Substrate is just now being updated more than a week after the Evad3rs released their iOS 7 jailbreak. The first is that Apple switched from a 32-bit to 64-bit processor in its new iOS hardware, which means that Mobile Substrate needs to be recompiled. The second is that Freeman was not informed beforehand that the jailbreak was being released, so he didn’t have a chance to update things on his end for Cydia to be fully compatible for all devices.

Now it’s up to jailbreak developers to update their tweaks for 64-bit in Cydia. Even though Mobile Substrate now works, make sure to check if a tweak is compatible with your device before installing. You can download the iOS 7 jailbreak from the Evasi0n website.

Source: Cult of Mac.

New Year iOS and Mac app sales – start 2014 right!

Should old acquaintance be forgot, yadda yadda yadda… Which apps are on sale? It’s New Year’s and the iOS and Mac App Stores are seeing price cuts all over the place. Why, we haven’t seen savings like this since a whole week ago. If you missed the Christmas sales boat, now’s your chance to make amends.

Happy New Year’s everyone, and if you spot any good deals, leave a comment!

iOS apps

iOS games

Mac apps

Mac Games

  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – $9.99 $4.99 – Download now
  • Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum – $30.00 $9.99 – Download now
  • The Bureau – XCOM Declassified – $34.99 $14.99 – Download now
  • The Darkness II – $19.99 $9.99 – Download now
  • Toy Story 3 – $14.99 $7.99 – Download now
  • Cars 2: The Video Game – $14.99 $7.99 –Download now
  • Disney Planes – $14.99 $7.99 – Download now
  • Disney Princess Enchanted Journey – $14.99 $7.99 – Download now
  • Brave – $14.99 $7.99 – Download now
  • LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean – $14.99 $7.99 – Download now
  • FTL: Faster Than Light – $9.99 $4.99 – Download now

Source:  iMore.

NSA Spyware Allegedly Gives Backdoor Access to iPhones.


The U.S. National Security Agency has spyware designed to grant backdoor access to the iPhone specifically, according to leaked documents shared by high-profile security researcher Jacob Appelbaum and German publication Der Spiegel.

While speaking at the Chaos Communication Congress in Germany, Appelbaum shared his knowledge of “DROPOUTJEEP,” a top-secret NSA program that can intercept an iPhone’s SMS messages, contacts, location, camera, and microphone.

Appelbaum, who has close ties to Wikileaks and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, prefaced his presentation at the conference by saying that his findings are ”wrist-slitting depressing.” A 50-page catalog from the NSA reveals the organization’s backdoor tools for a host of companies, including well-known names like Cisco and Dell.

The iPhone’s backdoor is explained in a leaked NSA document:

“DROPOUT JEEP is a software implant for the Apple iPhone that utilizes modular mission applications to provide specific SIGINT functionality. This functionality includes the ability to remotely push/pull files from the device. SMS retrieval, contact list retrieval, voicemail, geolocation, hot mic, camera capture, cell tower location, etc. Command, control and data exfiltration can occur over SMS messaging or a GPRS data connection. All communications with the implant will be covert and encrypted.”


What is perhaps more alarming than the hack itself is the NSA’s claim that it will always succeed with installing the spyware on any iPhone. Physical access is needed now to install the spyware, but a version that can be remotely installed is in the works. It has been reported that the NSA has covertly intercepted hardware shipments before they arrive to their destinations in order to implant spyware.

“Do you think Apple helped them build that?”

“Do you think Apple helped them build that?” asked Appelbaum during his talk. “I don’t know. I hope Apple will clarify that… Here’s a problem: I don’t really believe that Apple didn’t help them. I can’t really prove it, but they [the NSA] literally claim that anytime they target an iOS device, that it will succeed for implantation. Either they have a huge collection of exploits that work against Apple products, meaning that they are hoarding information about critical systems that American companies produce and sabotaging them, or Apple sabotaged it themselves. Not sure which one it is. I’d like to believe that since Apple didn’t join the PRISM program until after Steve Jobs died, that maybe it’s just that they write shitty software.”

To be clear, this news doesn’t mean that Apple has indeed worked with the NSA on a backdoor for the iPhone like Appelbaum implies. But the NSA is confident it has a foolproof backdoor that gives a scary amount of access to someone’s iPhone.

After The Washington Post exposed the NSA’s PRISM program, Apple joined a group of other tech companies seeking for the NSA to be more transparent about its surveillance tactics. Tim Cook recently a joined a number of other executives to discuss the issue with President Obama.

You can watch Appelbaum’s full talk below, but the iPhone-related stuff doesn’t come up until about 44 minutes in:

We’ve reached out to Apple for comment on its knowledge of DROPOUTJEEP and will update this article if we get a reply.

Original iPhone Prototype Sells On eBay For A Hefty $1,499.

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Occasionally a rare piece of Apple gear will appear on eBay and be suddenly pulled. Why? Apple doesn’t like it when its internal hardware gets exposed out in the wild. But sometimes a prototype slips through Cupertino’s watchful eye and gets sold.

An eBay seller in Australia has sold what appears to be an original iPhone engineering prototype for a nice sum of $1,499.

“I am selling a very rare original iPhone engineering prototype,” reads the description from eBay user applefancollector. “These were used to test the iPhone’s various features. To do so, a special test software was installed, which is still running on the device perfectly.” The seller claims to know of only 5 other such prototypes in existence.



As evidenced by the photos, this prototype is running Apple’s internal diagnostics software. The device’s signal strengths have been etched into the rear casing for testing purposes.


Apple allegedly stopped the auction of another one of these iPhone prototypes a few weeks ago. We can’t confirm the hardware’s authenticity, but someone out there was confident enough to put down $1,500.

We’ve definitely seen weirder internal Apple hardware on eBay before, like the N90 prototype of the iPhone 4 and a MacBook Pro with built-in 3G. Congrats to whoever snagged this latest gem.

Source: Cult of Mac.

Install iOS 7 On Unsupported iPhones & iPod Touches With Whited00r 7.

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Love iOS 7, but don’t have a device powerful enough to rock it? Good news — Whited00r, the custom firmware for older iOS Devices that adds many of the features of newer versions of Apple’s mobile operating system — has just been updated to version 7, and it brings a lot of iOS 7’s look and feel along with it.

 Optimized for the iPhone 2G & 3G, and iPod Touch first-gen and second-gen, WhiteD00r 7 promises users an “all new iOS 7 look and feel.” But this isn’t just some Winterboard tweak. As Whited00r’s team leader explains:

You may be thinking “Well I could have just used winterboard for this…”. Let me assure you, you couldn’t have. The theme is so much more than just image deep so to speak. There are several tweaks (memory efficient mind you!) working in the background to provide a completely immersive iOS7 feel for your old device.

Every icon, loading screen, and image you see has been touched in some way to make everything flow together in a smooth theme that in some ways is even more impressive than the real iOS7 theme. Underneath that is a modification at the system level that changes text colour, animations slightly, as well as layouts of certain things to provide an iOS7 feel to the way you interact beyond the graphical.

New features abound. On older devices, you get push notifications, multitasking, voice control, a better camera app, multiple App Stores, a Control Center, and much more.

Installing Whited00r isn’t particularly difficult if you have a compatible device. You can find instructions on how to install it here.

Source: Cult of Mac.

Scorsese’s Hugo Free With 12 Days Gifts App.


Here’s a reason to download Apple’s 12 Days of Gifts app if you haven’t already: the latest gift — freely downloadable using the app — is Martin Scorsese’s critically-acclaimed 2011 film Hugo.

The movie, based on Brian Selznick’s New York Times best-seller, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, tells the story of a 12-year-old boy living in the walls of a Parisian train station, who meets a down-on-his-luck toymaker, who turns out to be silent movie special effects maestro Georges Méliès (the guy that famously made this).

In a way, the film is a perfect fit for Apple — since not only is it dazzlingly beautiful to look at, but it’s also about the “magical” powers of technology to transform people’s lives for the better. (Which begs the question of whether there will one day be a movie about a kid who meets Steve Jobs during his exiled NeXT years.)

This isn’t the first time Apple has associated with Academy Award-winning filmmaker Martin Scorsese. In 2012, the director was one of several celebrities who appeared in Apple’s ad campaign to promote Siri.

Apple’s previous 12 Days of Gifts free downloads (which vary according to where you are in the world) include Justin Timberlake tracks, the new Lorde single, Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2014 book, the pilot episode of Once Upon a Time, and others. The app runs from December 26 through January 6, with new gifts available each day — available for 24 hours each.

Source: Cult of Mac.

Apple’s 12 Days of Gifts prove giving can be hard.

Apple's 12 Days of Gifts proving giving can be hard

Apple is onto Day 4 of their 12 Days of Gifts, and while the sentiment was and is wonderful, there have been some hiccups along the way, both technical and expectational. Gifting at scale – and we’re talking hundreds of millions of people here – is something very difficult to implement. So what’s gone wrong and how could it be fixed?

Earlier this week, Apple gave away TV episodes. The link, however, took people to the paid TV show season listing, not the free individual episode. That led toconfusion and complaints and, eventually, to the gift being changed for an app. However, there remained some confusion as to whether or not the episode and app had been free prior to Apple’s promotion, leading to the perception that they may not have been the “gifts” everyone was expecting.

That’s Apple’s biggest challenge here – expectations. Today’s free gift is a kids app. Unfortunately, people who aren’t happy about that – or simply don’t understand it – are now leaving bad reviews on the app’s App Store page, which is detrimental to the developer.

On the surface, it might seem like the best solution would be to use something akin to Genius to target individualized recommendations to people based on their specific entertainment and app tastes. Yet Apple has to broker agreements with every studio, label, or developer whose song, show, or app they gift, and that’s simply not possible on an individual basis.

Even working out a handful of deals and trying to do best matches could prove tricky, as no doubt a percentage of people would end up preferring – or simply thinking they’d prefer – one of the other gifts, which would result in similar confusion and complaints.

Being able to link directly to free episodes rather than paid seasons would eliminate one potential pain point. Perhaps putting some big, bold context-setting copy on the gift page, above the claim button, could eliminate another. “Day 4 – Kids game!” could set expectations before an app is downloaded.

Target sells man iPod Classic box full of erasers, twice – No iPod in sight.

Jim Nevarde must be one of the unluckiest holiday shoppers to have set foot in a Target store this Christmas. Or rather, two Target stores. reports on a story where the California-based man wanted to buy his wife an iPod Classic as a gift. At the Mera Mesa Target store he coughed up his cash, wrapped it and waited for Christmas morning to arrive. His wife was surprised when she unwrapped it, but even more surprised during unboxing. Instead of having an iPod inside, it was stuffed with erasers and index cards.

“About five of them fit exactly in the space where the iPod goes,” he said.

“It was a little strange,” stated Nevarde, who just spent $293 on the iPod and its warranty. “Obviously, somebody got in there and rewrapped it with shrink-wrap.”

Nevarde then went to a different Target to replace his “iPod” with another. Upon taking a sealed unit to the checkout he asked to open it up in store to check its contents. Lo and behold, it’s also filled with stationery.

It’s a little crazy, and I can’t imagine ever having to go through this experience myself. Thankfully I never have. But, Target is looking in to it to see where the issue lies.

The New Apple Mac Pro is Here – But Can We Build it Better (and Cheaper) PC DIY Style?

The New Apple Mac Pro is Here   But Can We Build it Better (and Cheaper) PC DIY Style?

Today, Apple launched their new Mac Pro (aka the trashbin, bazooka tube, water boiler, etc.). And while it’s impressive how Apple’s “highly modded PC” is able to meet thermal and power requirements in such a tiny size, all of this normally comes at a price, which is traditionally known as the “Apple Tax”. We set out to find out just how much of a “tax” there is this time around by pitting their highest spec’d machine against what we could build with industry standard, off the shelf parts, available today. Here’s what we came up with.

Our Challenge – Apple’s Top Spec Mac Pro at $9600

The New Apple Mac Pro is Here   But Can We Build it Better (and Cheaper) PC DIY Style?

After perusing the shopping cart, we came up with a configuration that tops out at $9,599 which includes 64GBs of ECC DDR3 memory, a 1TB PCIe SSD, two AMD D700 (W9000) GPUs, and a twelve core Intel Xeon 2.7GHz processor. OS X is of course the default operating system.

While there is nothing really remarkable about this list of parts, it’s the way that they are integrated that provides both pros and cons. On the pro side, you have all this workstation grade hardware in a cylinder that is less than 10 inches tall and under 7 inches wide, with the power supply inside. This makes it very easy to take it on site or pack with you. So if you are in need of more power, it doesn’t come with the traditional drawbacks of a large tower like the original Mac Pros.

The New Apple Mac Pro is Here   But Can We Build it Better (and Cheaper) PC DIY Style?

But on the list of cons is the fact that you pretty much have to purchase the system configured the way you plan to use it for its lifetime. This is because of the proprietary nature of the primary components which even include the GPUs and possibly the CPU (which looks like it is soldered in or “decapped” like the previous gen). The only things that might see upgrades in the future would possibly be the memory. The SSD is unknown because it is also internalized, although it is a PCIe part with performance to match, using a four channel interface. Additional storage options are all taken care of externally via Thunderbolt, which may add significant upgrade costs as the enclosures and cables are both expensive and limited in selection.

With most hardware interface cards on the market built for the original Mac Pro becoming incompatible with the latest revision, users hoping to upgrade to current hardware will have a tough time finding their equivalents at all, or at reasonable prices with a Thunderbolt plug. Plus, you’re now plugging in various boxes instead of having one single tower with everything securely inside, which may/may not be desirable.

In terms of maintenance, the Mac Pro does seem to take advantage of positive air pressure, which pushes more air into the cylinder than it can expel, making dust less of an issue. And only time will tell if this thermal solution will be adequate for long term use. But we suspect that only real issue would come from two workstation GPUs fully loaded.

For our challenge, we’re going to try to match the new Mac Pro’s parts spec, while trying to make it as small as we can with off the shelf components. Let’s see how close we can get (and how much we can save) by creating an equivalent Windows version.

Enclosure and Power Supply – Silverstone FT03 mATX and Strider Series Power Supply

The New Apple Mac Pro is Here   But Can We Build it Better (and Cheaper) PC DIY Style?

At CES 2011, Silverstone unveiled the original “Trash Bin” or “Garbage Can” case called the FT03 which houses up to an mATX board and even dual graphics cards, at roughly twice the size of the Mac Pro. There’s even space for a slot load optical drive. Because it uses a stack flow design, it has a somewhat similar thermal design as the new Mac Pro. They have since released a smaller mITX version, but in order to put hardware that is similar to the Mac Pro, we’d need the extra space. And since everyone is calling the Mac Pro a trash bin, we thought this would be a good fit.

The Silverstone FTo3 retails for around $159.99 US and comes in both a brushed aluminum silver, titanium and black. But we’d probably go with the titanium because the Mac Pro only looks black in the photos, but is actually more of a polished titanium in real life. If you want to go even smaller, the Silverstone SG10 is also a great choice at around $119.99 US. It’s shorter because it’s basically the same configuration on its side, but equally as configurable inside.

Since we have to put a power supply in here, we recommend going with one of Silverstone’s own Strider Series power supplies because they are nice and short and are compatible with the excellent PP05 short cable kit The SST-85F-GS 850W 80 PLUS gold modular is available for around $159.99 US. So you’re looking at around $360 for case and power supply.

Now that we’ve got something to put the parts in, let’s see what we an put inside.

Source: Futurelooks.