If TV Guide is too boring, Zeebox might be the best new app for your iPad/iPhone.

If your iOS devices are your main platforms for checking what’s on TV, then chances are you’ve already formed an opinion about the new TV Guide app. The new design is slick, but does it pack the punch necessary to beat out newcomer Zeebox? zeebox - zeebox

The latest addition to the TV-related offerings of the App Store comes from Ernesto Schmitt—former EMI executive. It’s not to be thought of as a Netflix/Hulu+ competitor, but rather it’s an app to assist viewers who want to check out TV listings and make their viewing experience more social. The concept behind Zeebox seems pretty sound so long as the execution is there—but even better than the idea are the early supporters, which include the likes of HBO, Cinemax, NBCUniversal, and Comcast Cable.

Zeebox sounds like the kind of app that will require hands-on time to form an opinion, but this is how Schmitt puts it into words:

“As consumers continue to flock to social media and the web to experience a program beyond what is on the screen, zeebox gives content owners and programmers a direct line of communication, feedback and engagement that has never before been possible.”

So where do you stand with your current television viewing habits? Longing for this sort of companion app or perfectly content without it? From the App Store description, Zeebox is like “having a quiet, cool, incredibly well-connected companion right there on the sofa next to you.” Now who doesn’t want that?

Source: App Chronicles.

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